Most people that have a hearing problem say that they can hear just fine - they just don't understand all of the words. That means communication becomes very difficult - sometimes nearly impossible. This is always made worse if you are in a noisy circumstance such as in a restaurant. If you are tired of not being part of the conversation, please call us. There is help for you. At Mullins Hearing Aid Center we consider your lifestyle as well as your hearing loss so you don't pay for more than you need. Call us today for a free hearing evaluation at 804-421-8795.
If, for some reason, you are unable to travel to our location, we will come to your residence, get to know you, and tailor hearing solutions to meet your specific lifestyle. Just contact us for more information!
"As I walked recently, I heard the rustle of autumn leaves beneath my feet. I can listen to a program on television, without lip reading...all because I am wearing hearing aids programmed for me by Chester Mullins at Mullins Hearing Aid Center."